L.P. Google Friendly Premium Flash Template

ActiveDen - L.P. Google Friendly Premium Flash Template

ActiveDen - L.P. Google Friendly Premium Flash Template

BLADES Banner Rotator

* Use as many text fields per slide as you want
* Set the number of columns and rows for the squares
* Set the spacing for the “break apart” effect
* Choose to use autoPlay and autoPlay delay
* 3 Preset animations to choose from
* Choose to use the navigation buttons
* Navigation buttons are loaded png graphics for both normal and hover states
* Hyperlink any slide
* Align each text field left or right
* Position each text field with x and y values
* Set the color, size, bg color, bg transparency of the text
* HTML Backup Converts to Nivo Slider

BLINDS Banner Rotator

* Use as many text fields per slide as you want
* Set the number of blinds to be used
* Set the spacing for the “break apart” effect
* Choose to use autoPlay and autoPlay delay
* Choose to randomize the rotation order
* 4 transition direction options (all shown in preview)
* Set X and Y position for absolute navigation control positioning
* Choose to use the next/previous and play/pause buttons
* Navigation buttons are loaded png graphics for both normal and hover states
* Hyperlink any slide
* Align each text field left or right
* Position each text field with x and y values
* Set the color, size, bg color, bg transparency of the text
* HTML Backup Converts to Nivo Slider

YouTube Module

* Load your YouTube account videos
* Load a single video
* Set the player width and height
* Set the initial volume
* Load in your social icons
* Set info text color, bg color and bg transparency
* Set the thumb text color, bg color and bg transparency
* HTML Backup converts to single YouTube video

Gallery Module

* Load Images, YouTube Videos or both
* Set thumbs per row
* Set thumb spacing>
* HTML /CSS supported Info Text
* Navigation arrows loaded externally
* Large images will scale down to always fit smaller monitors
* Converts with HTML Backup

News Module

* Choose between 20 TextBreak Effects
* Set the total width of the news item
* Set the font color and size for the news item
* Choose the text-align and line-spacing for each item
* Set the font color for the news menu title
* Set the menu spacing>

Animated Text Module

* Choose between 20 TextBreak Effects
* Set the text width
* Set the text size>
* Set text color>
* Choose the text-align and line-spacing

HTML Text Module

* HTML /CSS Supported Text
* Set text width
* Set text height before scrolling occurs
* Set all scrollbar colors

Contact Form

* HTML /CSS supported info text
* Submit/Reset buttons loaded externally
* Load in your social icons
* Set all email parameters (no php editing needed)
* Choose to set fields as required
* Email/text validation


