JomSocial Geommunity

JomSocial Geommunity 1.5

JomSocial Geommunity 1.5

Render your community members Nanoprofiles from Community Builder or Jomsocial to a large Google Map! Geommunity is a community and profile applications suite for Community Builder and Jomsocial. It allows your community members to set in one click (on their profile frontend page) their location on a google map and then be added (with their 'nanoprofile') to the site's global community map! These are released under the GPL and run in Joomla 1.5 native.

This suite contains these extensions:
This Jomsocial application allows your community members when visiting their own profile to click on a Google map to set their current position. This position will be shown in their profile to their profile visitors and on the global community map from This plugin supports alphauserpoints or jomsocial userpoints for setting location as Shoutbox and activity stream announcements. 10 different maptypes are selectable. AUP & Jomsocial rules provided. Now supports optional Google Latitude service for coordinates parsing and show friends location on profile map according to their privacy settings. Shows a users location streetview and geo QR Code tabs


