module the System of payment 4.3 For DLE

The module the System of payment 4.3 For DLE

The module the System of payment 4.3 For DLE

The module the System of payment 4.3 for DLE represents the advanced version Transfer of the user for the SMS, and in a consequence Transfer of the user to other group. Now the given module is even more safe also even more functional.

Functionality of the module System of payment 4.3:

- Transfer of the user in the VIP group
- Paid registration on a site
- Payment of the latent test of a kind [pay] [/pay]

What for to translate the user in other group?
Open yours admincp, adjustment of groups - there a huge quantity of parameters which you can open for VIP access:
- Hidden text viewing
- To resolve use PM
- To resolve downloading of files, etc.

What for to do registration paid?
- Full protection against spams-programs
- Well actually profit

What the module System of payment 4.3 can?
- To transfer the user on a certain quantity of days to other group, provided that group time, or for life, if group not the time.
- At repeated payment, the limit in group increases.
- At the included paid registration to spend registration fee)
- To hide the text in the text and in a template of full news

