Lifeline - HTML template (All Colours)

ThemeForest - Lifeline - HTML template (All Colours)

ThemeForest - Lifeline - HTML template (All Colours)

Lifeline is a clean and sleek template that is built for easy customization.
It has an incredible easy column system build on the 960 grid.

* 3 Index page choices (large, small or no header)
* Pre-made content pages for direct use
* Very easy column system to make every page unique in a couple of minutes
* Content toggle
* Fancy tooltips
* Fancybox lightbox for images and videos
* Working contact form with jQuery validation and spam control
* Image and video gallery with easy YouTube and Vimeo integration.
* All modern browsers compatible, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE7 , IE8, Opera and more

Core pages

# Index with Nivo Slider (big and small header)
# Index with twitter header
# BLOG Overview page
# BLOG Detail page
# Image / video gallery
# Portfolio 3 columns
# Portfolio with sidebar
# Portfolio list view
# Portfolio detail view
# Sidebar with submenu
# Column system
Pre-made pages
# What we do (list version)
# What we do (grid version)
# Who we are
# Our clients
# Price-table (two versions)
# Support
# Contact


