Ambitious - Business & Portfolio HTML CSS Theme (All Colours)

ThemeForest - Ambitious - Business & Portfolio HTML CSS Theme (All Colours)

ThemeForest - Ambitious - Business & Portfolio HTML CSS Theme (All Colours)

Ambitiousis a Professional Premium HTML /CSS Theme, perfect for almost any kind of websites. Soft, clean, friendly design of this theme, won’t leave your website visitors indifferent. Clear html structure and a lot of features is waiting for you!


* Valid XHTML Strict and CSS .
* 2x Home page layouts.
* 3 slideshow options: jCycle, Piecemaker, Carousel.
* Ajax Contact form.
* 3x portfolio/gallery layouts.
* Superfish jQuery Drop-down menu.
* 11 colors and coming more!
* PrettyPhoto lightbox for portfolio/gallery pages.
* Cufon text replacement.
* Compatibility (IE 7 , IE 8 , Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome).

Page Templates:

* Home page with JCycle slider.
* Home page with Carousel slider.
* Home page with Piecemaker 3d slider.
* Alternative Home page layout with JCycle.
* Alternative Home page layout with Carousel slider.
* Alternative Home page layout with Piecemaker 3d slider.
* Posts var1.
* Posts var2.
* Portfolio layout 1. Tree images per row.
* Portfolio layout 2. Four images per row.
* Portfolio layout 3. One image per row.
* Full Portfolio/Post page with description.
* Typography.
* Post full page.
* Contact.

11 Color variations:

* Dark blue
* Pink
* Orange
* Royal blue
* Red
* Black
* Green
* Purple
* Sand
* Lime
* Blue


