Dark Nature 2.2 - ThemeForest WordPress Theme

Dark Nature 2.2 - ThemeForest WordPress Theme

Dark Nature 2.2 - ThemeForest ***** Theme

This ***** theme is a slick and highly customizable theme that can fit any purpose. Change colors with a colorpicker, simply switch the layout and add your own background to create your own cool website!

* Unlimited colors to pick with colorpicker in theme settings
* Fully editable PSD file
* PSD file for custom background
* Admin panel with a ton of options and tabs for easy navigation
* Easy switch the frontpage to bloglayout or CMS
* Move the sidebar to the left, right, or remove it entirely to have full width content
* Items on the frontpage that can be turned on or off:
o Content slider
o ‘About me’ area
o Widget area (with custom ‘contact us’ widget)
o Default blog layout
* Five custom page templates:
o Portfolio page
o Blog page
o Contact page
o Photo gallery
o Category gallery
o Full width page
* Prettyphoto (lightbox) integration
* Footer widgets (can be disabled on the portfolio and gallery page)
* Easily adding Google analytics
* JQuery slider on frontpage (Customizable in themesettings)
* Choose between 8 slideshow effects, or set at random
* Use your own favicon and logo
* Social buttons like Twitter, Facebook, Digg and Delicious
* Cross Browser Compatibility
* CSS Layout (tableless design)
* Valid xHTML
* W3C Compliant
* Cufon font replacement
* Uses the Diavlio font made by Jos Buivenga

Demo :

